Thank you for visiting our consultation website.
Telereal General Property GP Limited (part of the TT Group) is bringing forward proposals for a new mixed-use development on Elliot Street, at Lancefield Quay. Proposals will include the potential for student accommodation and/or residential development and/or co-living with ancillary commercial space.
The general description of the proposed development is as follows:
Erection of mixed-use development comprising student accommodation and/or residential development and/or co-living with ancillary commercial space with potential for shops, financial, professional and other services (Class 1A); food and drink (Class 3), Business (Class 4), and Assembly and Leisure (Class 11) uses and formation of landscaping/public realm; access; car parking and associated works
The site lies in the River Clyde waterfront area, within a part of the city experiencing vibrant redevelopment, just west of the Kingston Bridge. The existing site comprises an unappealing data centre building, which is currently undergoing demolition, and offers little value to the area. The proposed redevelopment plans present an exciting opportunity to revitalise this forgotten part of the riverside area by making it an attractive place to live, while boosting the local and wider economy.
In April 2024, a Proposal of Application Notice was submitted to Glasgow City Council, signalling the start of a statutory 12 week pre-application consultation period. This consultation period provides an opportunity for the public to learn more about the proposals and to provide feedback, prior to the submission of a planning permission in principle application.
Get Involved
As part of our consultation process, we will be holding two public consultation events on Thursday 16th May and Thursday 13 June 2024 between 3-7pm at The Pyramid at Anderston (759 Argyle Street, Glasgow, G3 8DS) where members of the project team will be available to answer any questions.
The event 1 consultation boards and feedback form will be uploaded to this website on 16 May for you to learn more about the initial proposals and provide your feedback.
Contact Us
Should you have any initial questions, please contact us on 0141 264 2831
or email us at .