Active Ground Floor

Activating the ground floor

The proposal has been developed with a key principal in mind. Enhancing and activating the ground floor in order to create a positive contribution to the street-scape. This could be achieved either through amenity space associated with the primary use and/or commercial space.

With this in mind, our illustrative proposals, extend the height of the ground floor to create a generous space orientating the amenity out towards the street as well as framing the corners of the development lending itself to an active frontage helping to give a positive contribution to the street.

Following on from this we have also developed the soft and hard landscaping of the site. As part of our illustrative proposals, we have created a set of courtyards to the individual blocks as well as forming a new route through the site helping to inform any future developments to continue to develop the surrounding context. In addition to this we have also looked to better the pedestrian experience on Elliot street by widening the footpath and lining the development with trees.

Illustrative Green Route View
Illustrative Ground Floor Plan

Illustrative axonometric view showing the ground floor activity